Update your credit card by going to your subscription page of your Orbit account and selecting the blue "update credit card" button. This will make it so any future charges are charged to the new credit card you just submitted.
What if the blue 'update credit card' is not showing on my subscription page and my previous credit card is not usable?
There should be in its place a red 'resume subscription' button. This means you currently do not have an active subscription. If you would like to renew the previous subscription you have, click the red 'resume subscription' button and enter your new card info in the first box and hit purchase. Now your account has an active subscription and it will be charged to your new credit card.
What if I am trying to resume my subscription and my old card is active but I would like to change my payment method?
If your card that is currently associated with your account if still active, you will need to hit the red 'resume subscription' button which will renew to your current card and then you will be able to update your payment method. If you would like the resumed subscription charge to be switched to a different card, please email us at support@orbitcme.com
What if I am trying to purchase a different subscription than I had before?
You will need to first renew your previous subscription following the above steps and entering in your new credit card information. Once you have done that you can then immediately select the new plan you would like to switch to and the charges will seamlessly prorate.
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